Key ingredients
Hirabol + Shallaki + Chop chini + Kanchnar guggul + Sinhanad Guggul + Erand mool
How to use - Take one or two tablet with lukewarm water one hour after every meal morning & evening or as directed by the physician.
1.Benefits in Arthritis and uric acid related issues.
2. It may also helo in Rheumatoid arthritis and Gout.
3. Help in Spondylitis and related pain.
4. Good remedy for Cervical pain. Its combination with sanjeevani get good results in this issue.
5.Help in Sciatica and related pain.
6. Also may help in uric acid and inflammation.
- Hirabol
- Shallaki
- Chop chini
- Kanchnar guggul
- Sinhanad Guggul
- Erand mool